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中国开始测试运行5G网络 领跑全球电信竞赛

时间:2024-05-07 00:31编辑:admin来源:koko体育下载当前位置:主页 > koko体育下载花语大全 > 康乃馨花语 >
本文摘要:China begins 5G trial runs to get headstart in global telecom race中国开始测试运行5G网络,排在全球电信竞赛BEIJING: China, the largest telecom market in the world in terms of subscribers, has started conducting trials for 5G telecommunications equipment in ab


China begins 5G trial runs to get headstart in global telecom race中国开始测试运行5G网络,排在全球电信竞赛BEIJING: China, the largest telecom market in the world in terms of subscribers, has started conducting trials for 5G telecommunications equipment in about 100 cities, as it aims to get a head start in the race to lead the next generation of cellular phone systems.从用户数来取决于,世界仅次于的电信市场中国,开始在100个城市展开5G电信设备的测试运行,力争排在下一代移动手机网络。High-speed 5G networks can theoretically transmit data 20 times faster than current 4G speed, with less than one tenth of the latency, or the time for a data request to receive a reply.理论上,高速的5G网络传输数据的速度是目前4G网络的20倍,而数据催促的等待时间将近十分之一。

The 5G technologies being tested include massive multiple-antenna systems capable of handling more users and increased capacity to support greater mobile data usage, Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post quoted Bernstein Research report as saying.据香港南华早报援引伯恩斯坦研究公司的报告,称之为正在测试的5G技术,还包括能处置更加多用户催促和能承托更加多移动数据的多天线系统。



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